Every so often those pesky pirates of the universe play a terrible trick on us taking our treasured gems and hiding them for a painful period of time. We spend countless hours, days, and months looking for them praying hopelessly to the gods of fortune to guide us to their secret location only to chalk it up and determine the goods lost. Then without fail, like a message in a bottle that has been washed ashore they pop up and suddenly they appear before our eyes as if they had been there for centuries.
As I was rummaging through an old storage bin earlier this evening, I fell upon an long lost removable hard drive. On it were photos I had taken over the last decade--pictures from past vacations, old photo essays, portraits and silly family photos. This discovery was monumental on so many levels. Not only did I restore my photographic library but more importantly I had regained memories of a past that were long forgotten.
Photography is a document of one's endeavors. And in the years that follow it helps us to remember those moments when life has treated us kindly--moments of awe, moments of laughter, and moments of pride all frozen in time and when looked upon they have the power to transport us back to that very instant in a heartbeat. When those images are lost we jeopardize our very existence because without memories who are we?
Today I share with you a portion of an unfinished photo essay that I worked on from 2008 until 2009. All of the photographs were taken in the Bronx, which surprisingly has the most natural landscapes of all five boroughs. My focus was on finding areas where man and technology had quietly encroached upon nature. Massive industrial structures loom across the horizon all while the natural world remains unfazed playing gently in it's shadows. It's a testament to the soul of the Bronx and all of it's 'rough beauty'.
Sadly, this project was quickly abandoned after I deemed it's contents lost to that black hole we call cyber space. So, with this find I send out vibrations of gratitude to the gods of fortune because I am so very thankful for the chance to take hold of an opportunity once lost.
Miss Sally
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